JSON property details

Physical channels

As stated above, a physical channel is of a dedicated class and has an unique id. These both properties/attributes uniquely identify this channel. The channel id is defined as a unsigned integer value in the range 1-65535, because humans tend to number the natural way, e.g. starting with 1 and thus expecting the device label to number the first serial interface with 1, not as 0. So by definition, a physical channel of 0 is none-existent.

As already described above, the channel class has only two valid values: io and serial.

The possible physical channel types depend on the physical channel class:

  • for class serial: this is one of the strings rs485, rs422, rs232, can, mbus, wmbus, enocean
  • for class io: this is one of the strings di, do, s0, ai, ao

The possible physical channel modes depends on the physical channel class and type:

  • for class io:

    • type di: normal, flipflop
    • type do: normal, pulse
    • type ai: 0-10 V, 1-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
    • type ao: 0-10 V, 1-10 V
  • for class serial:

    This is a integer, where each bit reflects whether a given service is enabled for this physical serial channel.

The property label is common to all physical channels, all other properties depend on the channel type and the hardware capabilities of the individual channel. The following list is an overview of the actual available properties:


Property class: structural

Availability: always

JSON datatype: string

Description: Channel class, that is serial or io.


Property class: structural

Availability: always

JSON datatype: number

Description: Channel’s unique ID (1-65535).


Property class: config

Availability: always

JSON datatype: string

Description: User-defined name/label to associate the channel with, used e.g. in the web frontend. Up to 16 characters (bytes) can be stored.


Property class: config

Availability: class serial or class io

JSON datatype: number

Description: Indicator whether this channel is used at all.


Property class: config

Availability: class serial or class io

JSON datatype: number

Description: The virtual channel id of the linked virtual channel; zero by default, which menas that no virtual channel is assigned.


Property class: config

Availability: class serial or class io

JSON datatype: string

Description: Channel type (depends on class, see above).


Property class: caps

Availability: class serial or class io

JSON datatype: array

Description: This array contains a list of strings which reports the hardware capabilities of the corresponding channel. This depends on the XPL device variant. The strings in this list are valid strings for the type property.


Property class: config

Availability: class serial or class io

JSON datatype: string

Description: Operation mode (depends on class and type, see above).


Property class: config

Availability: class io and type di

JSON datatype: number

Description: Disable/enable an internal pull-up resistor on this channel. At the moment, the only valid values are 0 or 1.


Property class: config

Availability: class io and ((type di and mode normal) or (type do))

JSON datatype: string

Description: Value direct means, that a HIGH level on the wire is mapped to logical 1 (aka active high); whereas inverted means the that HIGH level is mapped to logical 0 (aka active low).


Property class: config

Availability: class io and type di and mode flipflop

JSON datatype: string

Description: Edge of the signal to trigger: falling or rising.


Property class: config

Availability: class io and type do

JSON datatype: number

Description: Delay on time (in ms).


Property class: config

Availability: class io and type do and mode normal

JSON datatype: number

Description: Delay off time (in ms).


Property class: config

Availability: class io and type do and mode pulse

JSON datatype: number

Description: Pulse width (in ms).


Property class: config

Availability: class io and ((type ai) or (type di and pullup 0))

JSON datatype: number

Description: Voltage level (normalized 16-bit value) to detect the input as logical 1.


Property class: config

Availability: class io and type s0

JSON datatype: number

Description: User-supplied value to calculate the current energy reading.


Property class: config (for class io and type s0), state else

Availability: class io and (type s0 or type ai or type ao)

JSON datatype: string

Description: For a channel configured as S0 input, this is a user-supplied string up to 16 characters (bytes); for an channel configured as analog input, this is a fixed string mA or V depending on the physical capabilities/configuration of the channel.


Property class: state (for class io and type s0 additionally config)

Availability: class io

JSON datatype: number

Description: This is the current/actual value of this channel. For an analog or S0 channel, this is a floating point number which must be interpreted together with unit; for a digital channel, this can only have the values 0 or 1.

Note: When configuring a S0 channel and both pulse_counter and value are contained within the request, then both values must correspond to each other, otherwise the request will fail.


Property class: state

Availability: class io and (type ai or type ao)

JSON datatype: number

Description: This is the current/actual value of this channel, mapped into a 16-bit value, i.e. 0-65535. This way it is possible to interconnect different analog types.


Property class: state and config

Availability: class io and type s0

JSON datatype: number

Description: Contains the raw value of the internal impulse counter. Note: When configuring a S0 channel and both pulse_counter and value are contained within the request, then both values must correspond to each other, otherwise the request will fail.


Property class: config

Availability: class serial

JSON datatype: number

Description: Baudrate of the channel. It depends on the actual device, which baudrates are possible at all.


Property class: config

Availability: class serial

JSON datatype: number

Description: Count of databits of the channel. It depends on the actual device capabilities, which values are supported. At the moment, this can only be 7 or 8.


Property class: config

Availability: class serial

JSON datatype: string

Description: Parity setting of the channel, that is none, odd or even. Note, that not all combinations with databits and/or stopbits might be possible, depending on the actual device capabilities.


Property class: config

Availability: class serial

JSON datatype: number

Description: Count of stop bits used at the channel. Note, that not all combinations with databits and/or stopbits might be possible, depending on the actual device capabilities. For example, for all current XPL devices, this is required to be 1.


Property class: config

Availability: class serial

JSON datatype: number

Description: Port number of TCP raw socket server or Telnet server bound to this channel.


Property class: config

Availability: class serial

JSON datatype: number

Description: Idle time after which a TCP/Telnet connection is terminated automatically.


Property class: config

Availability: class serial

JSON datatype: Array of strings

Description: Array which contains various flags of the physical serial channel:

  • sw_mode: The operation mode (type) is software switchable (e.g. RS-232 vs. RS-485). Whether this is supported depends on the actual XPL device.

  • sw_ctrl_local: The settings baudrate, databits, parity and stopbits can be configured via web frontend of the XPL device.


    A configured Telnet server on this physical channel still negotiates RFC2217 in this case; however, requests to change the port settings are silently ignored. A client can detect this situation when requesting a change and still reading back the old settings afterwards.

  • sw_ctrl_remote: Defaults for baudrate, databits, parity and stopbits can be configured via web frontend and take effect right after power on of the XPL or after reboot. But it is possible for a RFC2217-enabled client to switch these settings at run-time.


Property class: state

Availability: class serial

JSON datatype: Object

Description: Statistics counter of corresponding UART.


Property class: state

Availability: class serial

JSON datatype: Object

Description: This object is present only, when a client is connected to the corresponding channel server (e.g. Telnet server). Then it contains various information about the connected client.


The physical channel class serial does not has any property value as there is no buffering and the data stream is considered as a transient state. That means, that it is not possible to read any actual data upon request, but only receive a notification when data is transferred.

Virtual channels

As stated above, a virtual channel has an unique id. The next important property/attribute is the channel type, which can be digitial, analog, or serial. (On database jargon, this is tuple (type, id) is the unique primary key.)

All other channel properties depend on the channel type as describe in the following list:


Property class: structural

Availability: always

JSON datatype: number

Description: Channel’s unique ID (1-65535).


Property class: structural

Availability: always

JSON datatype: number

Description: Virtual channel type, i.e. digital, analog or serial.


Property class: state

Availability: type digital or type analog

JSON datatype: number

Description: This is the current/actual value of this channel. See description for physical channel property value for details.


Property class: state

Availability: type analog

JSON datatype: string

Description: This is an inherited property of the physical channel which feeds this virtual channel.


Property class: state

Availability: type analog

JSON datatype: string

Description: This is the current/actual value of this channel, normalized to an unsigned 16-bit value (0-65535).


Property class: state

Availability: type serial

JSON datatype: Object

Description: Statistics counter for the virtual serial channel.

Device information

The device information JSON object consists of some properties which describe details of the XPL device. For this object, no property classes are implemented.

This JSON object has the following read-only properties:


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the product code of this device.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the modell name string of this device.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the hardware version string of this device.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the software version string of this device.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the software version string of this device.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the MAC address of the main processor of this device.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the MAC address of the powerline processor of this device.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the serial number of this device.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the devices’s UUID. This UUID is generated based on a unique serial number of the embedded microcontroller and the MAC address of this device.

Powerline Network Details

The powerline network JSON object consists of some properties which describe details of the powerline network. For this object, no property classes are implemented.

This JSON object has the following properties:


JSON datatype: string

Availability: always

Description: Contains the hexadecimal representation of the powerline network identifier.


JSON datatype: number

Availability: always

Description: Contains the short network id of powerline network.


JSON datatype: object

Availability: always

Description: Contains information about the current powerline’s central coordinator. This object has the following properties itself:


JSON datatype: string

Availability: always

Description: Contains the MAC address of the current CCo.


JSON datatype: number

Availability: always

Description: Contains the terminal equipment number of the current CCo.


JSON datatype: number

Availability: after remote pairing action

Description: Only present, when a remote pairing operation was triggered. Represents the result of this operation, i.e. it contains zero as long as the operation is not completed or was not successfully, see below.

While the properties above are read-only, this object allows to add a remote device via DAK (Device Access Key) to the powerline network. For this, issue a PUT request to this object and provide a JSON object consisting of a single ‘dak’ property which contains the DAK string of the device to add. Note, that a simple DAK string is converted XPL internally to its binary representation which is the common use-case. However, it’s also possible to give a hexadecimal string representation of the DAK - in this case, it is used as is.

PUT /api/powerline/network HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 38
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "dak": "ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP"

After this HTTP request, the XPL device will begin to perform the requested action by sending out a HomePlug AV packet to its powerline processor. Once this packet is sent, the powerline network JSON object will contain the ‘’result’’ property. In other words, this property does not show up immediately, but it can take a short time (typically less than 1 s). The value of this property is zero at the beginning which means that the operation was not successfully. However, it may take some time until success is reported from lower protocol stack. In this case, the value of the property becomes 1. So it’s recommended to issue the PUT request, wait some seconds (e.g. 30s) and then query the operation result with a GET request.

Powerline Local Device Details

This JSON object contains data of the XPL device’s powerline controller.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the hexadecimal representation of the powerline controller’s MAC address.


JSON datatype: number

Description: Contains the terminal equipment number of the device within the powerline network.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the chipset name.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the firmware version string of the powerline chipset.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the user string of the powerline PIB.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the manufacturer string of the powerline PIB.


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the hexadecimal representation of the powerline controller’s DAK (Device Access Key).


JSON datatype: string

Description: Contains the hexadecimal representation of the powerline’s network management keys.


JSON datatype: number

Description: When the current XPL device has the CCo role of the powerline network, then this property is present and contains one. If not, then this property has the value zero and is obmitted.

The properties above are all read-only, except the ‘’nmk’’ property: issuing a PUT request to it allows to associate to another powerline network:

PUT /api/powerline/local HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 41
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "nmk": "SecretPowerlineNetwork"

Note, that a simple NMK string is converted XPL internally to it’s binary representation which is the usual use-case. However, it’s also possible to give a hexadecimal string representation of the NMK - in this case, it is used as is:

PUT /api/powerline/local HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 66
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "nmk": "B2:C5:1F:63:4E:43:A9:D4:B9:0F:DF:61:C4:ED:90:DD"

After this HTTP request, the XPL device will begin to perform the requested action by sending out a HomePlug AV packet to its powerline processor. Once this packet is sent, the powerline network JSON object will contain the ‘’result’’ property. In other words, this property does not show up immediately, but it can take a short time (typically less than 1 s). The value of this property is zero at the beginning which means that the operation was not successfully. However, it may take some time until success is reported from lower protocol stack. In this case, the value of the property becomes 1. So it’s recommended to issue the PUT request, wait some seconds (e.g. 30s) and then query the operation result with a GET request.

This JSON object also allows further actions being performed on the XPL device. For this you have to issue a PUT request which consists of a single JSON object with a string property called ‘’action’‘. The possible actions are listed below:

Value Action performed
factory_defaults This resets the powerline chipset to its factory defaults.
randomize_nmk This assigns a random network management key to the XPL device, or -in other words- leave the current powerline network.
pbsc Performs Push Button Simple Connect. This is equivalent to physically pressing the Push Button at the front panel of the XPL device. See user manual for details.

Example: The following PUT request resets the powerline chipset to its factory defaults:

PUT /api/powerline/local HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 38
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "action": "factory_defaults"

Powerline Station Details

This JSON object represents a powerline station within the current powerline network. Please note, that detail information of the other devices must be collected by querying these devices. This may take some time, and also not all devices of other manufacturers will report all requested information. Thus some properties might be missing for single stations.

This object is read-only, no actions can be performed on the list and/or list entries.


JSON datatype: number

Availability: always

Description: Contains the terminal equipment number of the station.


JSON datatype: string

Availability: always

Description: Contains the MAC address of the station.


JSON datatype: object

Availability: always

Description: Contains average data rates as seen by the XPL device. This object has the following properties itself:


JSON datatype: number

Availability: always

Description: Average receive data rate (in Mbit).


JSON datatype: number

Availability: always

Description: Average transmit data rate (in Mbit).


JSON datatype: string

Availability: optional

Description: Contains the chipset name of the station’s powerline chipset.


JSON datatype: string

Availability: optional

Description: Contains the firmware version string of the station’s powerline chipset.


JSON datatype: string

Availability: optional

Description: Contains the user string of the station’s powerline PIB.


JSON datatype: string

Availability: optional

Description: Contains the manufacturer string of the station’s powerline PIB.


JSON datatype: number

Availability: optional

Description: When this station has the CCo role of the powerline network, then this property is present and contains one. If not, then this property has the value zero and is omitted.


JSON datatype: string

Availability: optional

Description: When this station is an XPL device and has a neighbor entry, then this property contains the MAC address of the corresponding neighbor list item.

Neighbor Details

This JSON object stores detail information about detected XPL neighbor devices, i.e. other XPL devices found in the same powerline network.

Such other XPL devices - called neighbor - are represented as key-value pair, where the name of the key is the MAC address of the neighbors main processor, and the value is a JSON object with detail information.

Such a neighbor JSON detail object has properties as explained below. Please note, that gathering the information from a neighbor consists of several steps so some details might not be available yet at the time of querying this object.

Please note, that properties of the class ‘’details’’ are only included when requested explicitely.


Property class: -

JSON datatype: string

Availability: optional

Description: Contains the product code of this neighbor.


Property class: details

JSON datatype: string

Availability: optional

Description: Contains the hardware version string of this neighbor.


Property class: details

JSON datatype: string

Availability: optional

Description: Contains the software version string of this neighbor.


Property class: -

JSON datatype: string

Availability: optional

Description: Contains the software version string of this device.


Property class: details

JSON datatype: string

Availability: always

Description: Contains the MAC address of the main processor of this neighbor.


Property class: -

JSON datatype: string

Availability: optional

Description: Contains the serial number of this neighbor.


Property class: -

JSON datatype: string

Availability: optional

Description: Contains the neighbor’s current IPv4 address.

This JSON object is read-only, no actions can be performed on the object itself and/or sub-objects.