RESTful URL mapping

Physical/virtual channels

Since our basic concept to access the device are channels, the both channel classes are reachable with http://<device>/api/channel/physical resp. http://<device>/api/channel/virtual.

So this results in the following URLs (for a device with 2 IO port, 1 CAN interface and 1 RS-232):

  • http://<device>/api/channel/physical
  • http://<device>/api/channel/physical/io
  • http://<device>/api/channel/physical/io/1
  • http://<device>/api/channel/physical/io/2
  • http://<device>/api/channel/physical/serial
  • http://<device>/api/channel/physical/serial/1
  • http://<device>/api/channel/physical/serial/2

Or in other words:


The physical URL space is always available since it reflects the hardware of a device, thus providing a way to configure the hardware and to determine its capabilities. The user has always the possibility to access an dedicated individual object or to query ‘all’ objects within the requested class.

The available virtual URL space depends on the configuration of the device:

  • http://<device>/api/channel/virtual/{virtual_channel_type}/{virtual_channel_id}


  • http://<device>/api/channel/virtual/digital/1
  • http://<device>/api/channel/virtual/analog/4711
  • http://<device>/api/channel/virtual/serial/19

Please note, that accessing e.g. http://<device>/api/channel/virtual includes all JSON objects which could also be accessed individually via their own URL.


As mentioned before, this is not true for http://<device>/api, as this URL is handled special.

Device information

Beside the data about channels etc., there is another API entry point to obtain data about the XPL device itself. This information is read-only and can be queried by a GET request to the URL: http://<device>/api/device

The JSON response looks like:

    "product": "I2XPLR4-IO600",
    "modelname": "XPL Rail",
    "hardware_version": "1.0",
    "software_version": "0.12",
    "hostname": "xpltest2",
    "mac_address": "00:01:87:FF:FF:27",
    "mac_address_plc": "00:01:87:FF:FF:26",
    "serial": "0000004711",
    "uuid": "444d5314-1000-4400-9500-000187ffff27"

A details description of this JSON object is given in section Device information.

Powerline network status/configuration

As the XPL devices are powerline devices, it’s possible to obtain some details of the powerline network from the device and to trigger some powerline related actions. This information is bundled in the ‘’/api/powerline’’ hierarchy, which consists of four sub-elements:

  • http://<device>/api/powerline/network
  • http://<device>/api/powerline/local
  • http://<device>/api/powerline/stations
  • http://<device>/api/powerline/neighbors

The ‘’network’’ property is an object which contains information about the powerline network itself. Details are explained in Powerline Network Details.

The ‘’local’’ property is a an object which contains detailed information about the current device’s powerline controller, see Powerline Local Device Details.

The ‘’stations’’ property is a an list of detected remote powerline stations. Each list entry is a powerline station object, described in Powerline Station Details.

The ‘’neighbor’’ property is a an object which accumulates all XPL neighbors, i.e. other XPL devices found in the same powerline network. See Neighbor Details.