
When querying a RESTful object, it’s possible to filter out and/or request properties of the object. For this, a property class has been assigned to some properties.

For the JSON objects that are part of the ‘’/api/channel’’ hierarchy, there exists the property classes structual, config, state and caps (for capabilities) at the moment.

The default object view includes the classes config and state, but hides structural. You get this default view when you do not supply any of the following, optional parameters.

Parameter Value Meaning
filter structural, config, state or caps This hides the properties of the given class.
unfilter structural, config, state or caps This forces the properties of the given class to appear.

So for example to only query the current states of all physical channels, issue the following GET request:

Another use case could be to retrieve the whole physical channel configuration (configuration backup):

For the JSON objects that are part of the ‘’/api/powerline/neighbors’’ hierarchy, a property class details has been defined which is not included by default. To include these properties, supply the optional ‘’unfilter’’ parameter as described above: